Corno Phorno M––,

Glad ur keeping it hip on the streets, your new home sounds like it’s coming along well and it seems you’ve found a suitable Man Hour to occupy your mind and body.

I’ve been having this new dinner, an amalgamation of hash, crack, pep (maybe I could send the recipe if you think you could make it). After dinner D– and I have started going out for walks around that long strip of land, near ur mum’s plot of land, by the way she says she’s going to refurbish that plot. It’s nice to watch the stars rise over there, so that’ll be pretty good.

Ur mum was quite distressed to see you go, we all miss you, I told her ur probably be safe b/c ur settling in near the Arms Brigade. I’ll let her know you’re already settled in and meeting suitable people in the area… Though I have my reservations!

I’ve noticed a new trend in art, or politics where the “goodness” of some artificial world (some limited perfect world, where everything is an end, unlike our own- like a world made up in a story or a theory or whatever) is judged based on how closely it resembles “nature without people.” For instance, Richarde De Baudelaire’s painting of a “natural world of the future” supposedly resembles how humans would be in nature, without man-made physical/conceptual structures. For this the depicted future is “great”. Based on your description, you’ve fallen in with this type of person, they’re absolute clefts, I imagine their garments all look the same, you’re above them, M––, much more hip.

The position makes no sense to me, why should humans be how they would be if humans didn’t exist? Humans will always be with humans, necessarily, why ought we be without them? The whole thing lacks the bizarreness that I enjoy so much about ideas, don’t stoop to their level, isn’t it.

N–– keeps on sending me her drawings, it’s becoming quite annoying, I don’t know if you still talk to them, but N–– listens to you more than me, so if you can tell them to stop sending them please do.

Keep on rolling safe.


> Is this the allen key you’re looking for? It should be enclosed.